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Despite its popularity in contemporary architecture, glass is still considered a highly specialised material, rarely taught at technical universities and certainly not at the same level as more commonly applied materials, such as steel, concrete and timber.

Open GLASSroom, supported by an Erasmus+ fund, brings together an international community of glass experts from universities and the industry in developing a common future-oriented glass curriculum. The goal is to develop Open Educational Resources on glass design & engineering and share them to support students, educators and practitioners. The Open glassroom will address fundamental and emerging topics in research and innovation, organised in 5 collections:

  • Glass Fundamentals

  • Glass Applications

  • Glass Codes & Standards

  • Glass Sustainability

  • Glass Projects & Research

We are currently producing our OER content - materials will follow soon on the Open GLASSroom community platform! For updates, follows us on LinkedIn and Instagram or get in touch by email at Further infromation can be found here.

University partners

  • TUDresden: Jagoda Cupać, Aline Bergert, Laura Oberender, Lisa Batzdorf, Christina Spirow

  • TUDelft: Christian Louter, Mauro Overend, James O'Callaghan, Faidra Oikonomopoulou, Telesilla Bristogianni, Anna Maria Koniari, Menandros Ioannidis

  • CTU Prague: Martina Eliášová, Zdeněk Sokol

  • Politecnico di Bari: Francesco Fiorito, Angelica Rota, Francesco Carlucci

  • Universitat de Girona: Daniel Trias

  • University of Rijeka: Adriana Bjelanović, Nebojša Buljan

Industry partners

ABT bv, Arup, Bellapart Group, Eckersley O'Callaghan, Octatube, Permasteelisa Group

TU Delft team involved

Prof. Dr. Christian Louter

Dr. Telesilla Bristogianni

Prof. Dr. Mauro Overend

Menandros Ioannidis

Prof. James O' Callaghan

Dr. Faidra Oikonomopoulou


The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2022-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000089750. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.

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