Telesilla Bristogianni (TU Delft)
Telesilla Bristogianni is a Researcher & lecturer in the Glass Research Group of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. Her research focuses on the strength, defects and meso-level structure of recycled cast glass for building applications. She has a background as MArch Architect Engineer (NTUA) and MSc Building Technologist (TU Delft). Together with her colleague Faidra Oikonomopoulou, she has been involved in the R&D and realization of various innovative cast glass projects, such as the Crystal Houses Façade in Amsterdam and the Qaammat pavilion in Greenland. Together they initiated the Re3 Glass project, exploring the recycling of glass waste by casting and the reversibility of cast glass structures. For their work, the team has received multiple engineering and scientific awards and nominations.